Hire Expert WordPress Developers Within a Day

If you are looking for a full-stack experienced WordPress freelance developer. then this is the right place where you can Hire WordPress developers and elevate your online presence instantly (like a day). We have highly vetted developers having extensive experience in dedicated WordPress development like theme development, plugin development Woo commerce development, and customizations.

Hire Freelance WordPress Developer Now
Our vetted experts are ready to serve you

Our WordPress expert in your service

Quickly assemble the teams you need, exactly when you need them.

Only experienced experts

Every expert on Codloo is vetted and have passed through chellanging screening test to prove his/her expertise.

Hire quickly

Hire in under 12 hours. Our aim is to build a team of expert to help clients quickly and efficiently with satisfactory rersults.

Satisfactory rersults

As our team is consit of only vetted experts so, we make sure to complete the project within given time and with required functionality.

Hire now
Arqam S. WordPress, Shopify, Hubspot 2017
Farhan Shahid WordPress and Webflow Expert
Farhan S. WordPress, Shopify 2019
Junaid WordPress developer
Junaid A. WordPress, Graphic Designing 2017

The Main WordPress Services

Theme Development

Theme Development

We specialize in crafting custom themes that match your brand. Our focus is on creating eye-catching designs that work smoothly on all devices. We develop fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly layouts including all of the functionalities that you need in your website. Let us bring your vision to life.

Plugin Development

Plugin Development

Unlock endless possibilities for your website with our plugin development service. Our team specializes in creating custom plugins that fulfill specifically your website’s needs. Whether it’s enhancing functionality or adding some additional features, we’ll tailor a plugin to suit your requirements.

Woocommerce Development

Woocommerce Development

Our dedicated team specializes in WooCommerce solutions to your e-commerce business. From setup to customization and optimization, we provide comprehensive services to enhance your store’s functionality and elevate the shopping experience. Let us empower your online shop for success.

Speed Optimization

Speed Optimization

Increase your website’s performance with our WordPress speed optimization service. Our experts fine-tune your site to load lightning-fast, ensuring a seamless user experience. We boost your website’s speed without compromising on quality. Let us supercharge your site’s performance.

Bug Fixing

Bug Fixing

Resolve website glitches with our WordPress bug-fixing service. Our team specializes in identifying and fixing issues. From troubleshooting errors to resolving technical hiccups, we’re here to restore your site’s functionality promptly. Let us tackle the bugs, so you can focus on your online success.



Tailor your WordPress site to perfection with our customization service. From personalized design elements to functional tweaks, we specialize in customizing every aspect of your WordPress site. Let us transform your ideas into a standout online presence.

WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO

Search engine optimization is one of the main ways to gain online traffic to boost business revenue. Our team of SEO experts audits your WordPress website to optimize it for search engines by implementing on-page SEO and then performing off-page SEO to rank your website at the top.

Ongoing Maintenance

Ongoing Maintenance

We ensure the performance and security of your WordPress website with our reliable ongoing maintenance services. We handle regular updates, security monitoring, backups, and performance optimization, allowing you to focus on your business while we take care of the technical aspects.

Upper mentioned services cover almost all types of WordPress-related services. But if you are looking for a solution that you can not find in upper mentioned WordPress services list, feel free to book a free consultation call, submit a contact form, or start a quick Whatsapp chat. we will get back to you in a few hours or sometimes in a few minutes (instantly).

Easiest Process to Start


Explain Project

Contact us any time and explain your project requirements and expected completion time. After that, we will give you an hourly rate for the work or price of the project as a quotation.


Accept Quotation

Once we estimate the work budget and time, then we will share that info with you so you can make a decision on it. You can accept it or can tell us if you need any change in this.


Project Started

Once you accept the quotation, we will get on the project after getting some of the necessary info from you relating to the project like some required credentials, content, or assets.

Are you ready to start a WordPress project with us?

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Client success is guarantied

We Make Sure That Results are guarantied

Work Results

Sometimes, clients hire us on an hourly basis and continue to provide us with work as a flow. Sometimes clients explain the full project at the start and then we ask for results. Whatever the case is, we guarantee the results for all the services.

Client’s satisfaction

We guarantee client satisfaction in all aspects. We not only complete the work as required by the client but also provide full support even after the payment is done project is closed. We are always open to helping/supporting our clients at all stages.

You Should Know

How to hire WoordPress developer for your project?

Before you approach a developer.

In the process of hire WordPress developer, it is required that you should have a clear concept and functionality requirements or whatever you need in your project. This is the way that you will be able to able to find which skills a WordPress developer should have before you hire him/her.

How you hire WordPress developer at Codloo.

At Codloo, we have a clear and easy process for starting a project. Once you have clear requirements, contact us and explain your project requirements. After you explain the requirements, will will prepare a proposal/estimate for the hourly/project rate and time required to build the projects. This happens normally within a couple of hours and once you accept the proposal/estimate, we will start working on the project on the same day or as required by the client. Sometimes it is required to sign an NDA from the client side, so this is not an issue to sign the NDA we will go through the NDA document and will sign it. We work on full-time, part-time, hourly, and project-based commitments as remote WordPress development services.

Types of WordPress experts you can hire.

When we think of hiring a remote WordPress developer, it goes beyond just writing code. There’s a depth and diversity to their role that makes them essential in creating outstanding websites and applications. It’s not merely about writing code, it’s about being architects of compelling digital experiences. Let’s delve deeper into the distinct roles and standout attributes that set exceptional WordPress developers apart.

Site Manager (Crafting with Ready-made Tools): Site Managers are akin to skilled craftsmen, using pre-existing themes and tools to construct websites. Their expertise lies in harnessing the potential of available resources to create visually appealing and functional sites. They’re adept at customizing themes and plugins, ensuring your website aligns perfectly with your brand’s identity.

Engineer/Developer/Programmer (Architecting Custom Solutions): Engineers are the masterminds behind custom solutions. They possess the art of refining and innovating existing tools, bringing forth unique and tailored solutions. Their forte is creating intricate and highly personalized websites and applications that cater precisely to your unique requirements.

Essential Skills for WordPress Experts:

Development and Customization of Themes and Plugins:

To develop and customize themes and plugins, a good developer should have HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP languages in the skill set. These languages are mandatory to develop a nice modern theme or plugin, and the same for customization needs. There are some optional modern skills that a WordPress expert can use in programming like modern Javascript, React, etc.

HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are languages that are used to design/build static web layouts. WordPress designers can use HTML to make web page sections/parts and then style them into a beautiful design using CSS styling. HTML and CSS are the bases of any website. These languages are browser friendly, that on loading a website browser sends an HTTP request to the server and in return receives HTML, CSS, and JS which are rendered in the browser and the browser creates a view that we see in the browser window.

JS (Javascript): Javascript is a browser-based programming language that is being used to program the features in the web pages, like validation of forms, handling complex animations, and storing/reading data in/from the browser storage. Javascript language comes with hundreds and thousands of pre-built libraries like jQuery, which make the WordPress programmer’s job easy.

PHP: At the time of hiring a WordPress programmer, remember that WordPress is a PHP-based CMS. If someone does not have the PHP skill set then he/she can not be a WordPress backend programmer at all. Basically, Core WP is written in the PHP backend language, WP uses special methods called hooks (actions and methods) in the programming. If a developer has knowledge of the WP hooks along with PHP, that developer can develop any required functionality in the custom theme or plugin as needed. On the other hand, Hooks are also used in the way to customize any existing theme or plugin in a WordPress website without touching its core code.

Nice to have the following skills too:

Optimizing Site Speed: Beyond aesthetics, Hire WordPress developers and optimize websites for blazing-fast performance on all devices. Their prowess ensures that your website not only looks great but also loads swiftly, contributing to an exceptional user experience.

Troubleshooting Expertise: Proficient troubleshooters, they swiftly diagnose and resolve any hiccups that could impede your site’s performance. Their adeptness ensures your website runs seamlessly without disruptions.

Coding Proficiency: Their command over programming languages empowers them to craft tailored, sophisticated solutions that make your website stand out amidst the digital clutter.

SEO Expertise: Their SEO expertise ensures your website ranks well on search engines, reaching the right audience and enhancing brand visibility.

Each WordPress expert programmer, whether a Site Manager or an Engineer, brings a unique skill set, dedication, and expertise to the table, aiming to transform your digital presence into a standout success story.


How the Codloo WordPress services are different?

At Codloo we have experienced full-stack developers who have ability to develop any design or functionality in the WordPress CMS according to your needs. We have a really simple get-started process through which we can start working on your project within only a few hours (on the same day) if needed. We work on project-based and also provide dedicated developers to businesses with full-time or part-time fixed commitments.

What types of documentation are required to start the project?

To start a project with Codloo you do not need any type of documentation, we sign an NDA provided by you if needed and then we are ready to start working on your project. We have a simple 1 2 3 process to start working on your project within a few hours.

Any risk of project failure and money loss?

Not at all. First of all, we are an agency having multiple developers in the organization and we solve problems as a team and that’s why complex projects become easy for us. Secondly, we do not demand any partial advance before starting the work (but only a small security fee), and we invoice only for successful work after the development work is done. So there is no risk of money loss.

Do you provide any other services relating to the WordPress website?

Yes, absolutely. we offer related services like e-commerce/Woocommerce development, Hire WordPress developer and SEO service, social media marketing for your business, graphic design, etc.

Types of engagements.

We provide flexible engagement types like full-time, part-time, hourly, or project-based. In full-time engagement, we are committed to providing 8 hours a day (40 hours a week), in part-time we are committed to working 4 hours a day on your project (20 hours a week), in hourly engagement, we bill you according to work we do on your project and in this engagement we do not limit the number of hours that we will work on your project, and in project-based engagement, we are committed to giving you a fixed price before starting the project, and we will be responsible to complete your projects in given price and time estimate.

Do you work only B2C, or B2B as well?

We work on both modules, like in B2C we provide direct services to clients, but in B2B we provide our development services to other web development agencies who outsource work to us. We provide white-labeled services to all.

Are you ready to start a WordPress project with us?

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